Thriving In My Thrifty Week–June 28, 2022

The garden is starting to produce. This week, I harvested peas, pea pods, green onions, lettuce and broccoli.

I froze the peas and broccoli. The rest, I’ve been eating and sharing.

I spent several hours weeding and I also stacked wood we were given. It feels good to be filling up the wood piles again.

We got together with some friends and family and took the boys to a park with a splash pad and picnic. I took sandwiches, snow peas and carrot sticks. Others brought fruit, chips and drinks. All the kids and adults had a great time. The park had a soccer field that some of the kids enjoyed, as well.

Rob dug out the kiddie pool and we used it several times this week. We used a frisbee, old cups from fast food, the watering can, and plastic bowls for toys. It was very hot for several days and even the adults put their feet in at times.

I will say that everything got watered well. The deck. The dog food dish. The trike. The flowers. The rocks. My legs. Rob’s feet. The buckets. And so on……We were so thankful for the rash guard and swim shorts Rob found for a dollar or two at a yard sale.

I cooked several food items: a whole chicken I got for the incredibly low price of 47c/lb, some white rice, a vegetable soup, tuna-noodle casserole, lots of salads, meatloaf, and more. Then we just heated food up in the microwave during the hot days. It has cooled off again, so I am ready to cook again, although there are a few things to finish up first. I did boil the bones from the chicken, so I want to do some soup with that in the next couple of days.

We have 3 parties this upcoming weekend. 2 are at our house, one we are attending and need to take a little food. I’ve been working this week on figuring out the decor and food for Rob’s Mom’s 90th birthday party, which is on Saturday. I’m also frantically finishing the binding of her birthday quilt, which came back from the machine quilter just a few days ago.

I’m not in charge of decor for the boys’ birthday party on Sunday afternoon, but do have a few things to get ready. By the time I get to the 4th, and go to my sister’s, I will be cruising along, just taking a salad and enjoying the fact that I can just visit with everyone. I’m sure I will have lots of pictures to post by this time next week.

12 thoughts on “Thriving In My Thrifty Week–June 28, 2022”

  1. Your garden is looking wonderful. Very cute garage sale swim wear too-and of course those gorgeous grandbabies!!

  2. How wonderful to see your garden harvest! We’ve had such high temperatures here that everything is not just wilted, but, scorched! The new zucchini, barely 3 inches long, are turning yellow and the cucumber vine has withered. I think I need your grandson and his watering can over here! 😀

    1. Well….he just got a new one–the cutest little whale watering can for his birthday yesterday–I found that he had watered my tennis shoes that were sitting on the deck during the birthday party….still, he’s an awfully cute helper–it’s worth soggy shoes.

    1. We are behind you in our seasons, just a little, I think. We have also had an extremely cool, wet spring and that slowed things down around here.

  3. Hi Becky,
    …the kiddos look like they’re having a lot of fun playing in the water…and your peas look amazing…I don’t think I’ve had fresh peas like that since we lived in North Dakota…
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you! My little helper tries to eat them raw faster than I can whisk them away–I like them that way, too.

  4. When my three were young. I would take lids from the laundry detergent and drill holes in them. I would do all different patterns and drill bit sizes. They used them for pool toys, bath, sand, and beach toys. If we lost a few, so easy to make new ones.

    You probably have thought of this ! Lol

  5. It looks like you’re having some wonderful weather there! I hope it stays nice for the 4th. We may get afternoon thundershowers, which is normal this time of year, but otherwise it looks good. Those fresh peas look wonderful! How will you cook/use them? Have a great weekend!

    1. I blanched and froze most of the peas. I also used a few in a tuna-noodle casserole. Rob loves peas, but they are a lot of work. I put them in small quantities in the freezer (1-2) cups per package and freeze them flat so some can be broken off if needed. He eats the most. He eats them on a plate with a meal, but mostly makes fried rice with them. I put them in casseroles and stews–just enough for that pop of color! We eat so many snow peas fresh and stir-fried, but they don’t freeze very well, so I just use them as I get them and call it good. The ones I did freeze last year are still in the freezer, they just get so soggy no one really wants to eat them:(

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