About Becky

My name is Becky and I am a wife, of Rob, and a mother of 8.  3 of those children still live at home.   I keep very busy with my life and enjoy cooking, sewing, gardening, homeschooling, teaching 4H, and many other things.  A lot of my life revolves around my family.  I work part-time, as a piano teacher and love working with my students.  My husband, Rob, and I are people with many interests and love doing things ourself.  Naturally, with so many children, frugality is also a necessary hobby.  Welcome to my blog, where I plan to share a few of the things I do at home, with you.

Update:  August 30, 2017

A lot has happened in the almost 2 years since I started this blog.  Our lives have taken a lot of unexpected turns.  Right now, we are relocated in another town, about 1 hour from where we were before.  The biggest challenge for me has been moving from property in the country to a lot in town.  I miss the country, but am trying to see the benefits of town living.  My goals are to figure out how to grow the most food possible on my city lot, and continue our lifestyle of preserving our own food, and of course, keeping our budget in check.  That is especially important as my husband has changed careers, and we have less to work with than we did before.  I have not started piano up again in our new town.  I still want to teach, as I really enjoy it, but needed a more steady job, since I lost all my students because of the move.  Instead, I am working as  a personal support worker for my developmentally delayed niece and nephew, with the most time being spent on my nephew.  We still have the 3 youngest children living at home.  Lovana is 21, Ja’Ana is 17 and Patsy is now 13.

Blogging has been a real joy to me in the short time I’ve been writing.  I have found it a way to express myself by writing, keep my family informed of what I’m up to, and I try to make it encouraging to others.  I’d like to say a big “thank-you” to all of you who have been so encouraging to me during this past couple of years.  

14 thoughts on “About Becky”

    1. Thanks! They are all adopted, through the state, so I have had my hands full for a long time. Right now, there are only 3 left at home, so it should be a piece of cake……but it isn’t! They keep us hopping. The youngest was an unexpected surprise 2-1/2 years ago, and we are actually still working on the paperwork to get her legally ours. They have been a challenge and a huge blessing to Rob and I.

  1. I just found your blog and I must say I love the topics you post about! We have a lot in common. Just followed and I look forward to future posts!! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Linda. I’m afraid I will have even more opportunities to be frugal during this new year. If I can make it into a game or a challenge, it helps me stay positive!

    1. I’m glad you stopped by. Thank you for the compliment. I like taking pictures, but am using my phone, so would love to learn how to use a “real” camera some day. My husband has one and knows how to properly use the lenses. Maybe when things calm down. But, for now, I’m satisfied with the phone because it’s handy and quick and I always have it with me.

  2. I found your posts over at The Prudent Homemaker so enjoyable that I had to come and check out your blog. I ended up reading through all your posts. You and your husband are such an inspiration! I love how upbeat you have been through your recent challenges. I plan to continue reading, and I find your blog delightful!

  3. I save your blog for when I am feeling frazzled or irritated. I have been following you since you moved from your former home and situation to your home in town. In our life my husband (in advertising) has lost his job several times – I appreciate the energy and spirituality it requires to be both honest and energetic. So anyway, thank you. About time to tell you this, I think!

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Making My Home A Haven