Cleaning Weekend–Part 1


Our weekend cleaning started off with a bang.  Of course, the object of this push is to get the house ready to put on the market this week.  On Friday, during 4H, my sister Rosalie had a free hour.  She whisked Patsy’s room into shape during that time!  Then, when Patsy got home from school, I went through the items Auntie had set aside and Patsy chose to keep or discard them.

Another 4H mom washed windows while waiting for her daughter to finish sewing, others swept and tidied. After they left, Ja’Ana and I washed down one of the bathrooms with TSP so it could dry by Saturday.  Then, I baked some desserts with Patsy. I also made a salad with the lentils and brown rice.

On Saturday morning, my sister showed up again.  She finished up Patsy’s room, helped Ja’Ana get hers the rest of the way done, and vacuumed and washed windows in all 3 girls’ rooms.  She then proceeded to clean their carpets, a job I wasn’t sure would get done yesterday.  My daughter Abbie had to work yesterday morning, but came and helped her auntie finish those jobs in the afternoon.

7 men and young adults showed up.  The pressure washed the house on the outside and the roof.  They mowed the huge lawn, cleaned the gutters, built a huge fire and burned a lot of trash, carried boxes and bins to the basement, touched up the basement paint from last weekend, touched up the paint in the downstairs bathroom (the one we washed), painted a stair railing, changed lightbulbs in high places on ladders, and worked on the shop.


I set Ja’Ana to making another salad, because they ate the other one up.  This time, she used some cooked quinoa, a can of beans, the rest of the brown rice (the lentils were gone), and the rest of the ingredients it called for.

We served turkey, salad, a pan of pinto beans I had cooked with peppers with cheese to sprinkle on top, desserts, soda from 2 litre bottles, and carrots and celery with dip.  There is still turkey left for today, but the rest is history.


A friend came and took the last little pig away.  He was going to keep it with his pigs and raise it a little more, but his pigs were not pleased to see it and were cruel to it, as pigs often are.  So, with Rob’s permission, he sold it to a farmer he knew and brought Rob the money.  At this point, we just needed it gone.  The other pigs are sold, and ours will be ready to pick up soon from the butcher.

Rob did get a little bit done in the shop, but most of the work was outside.   He had quite a few rocks he had collected over time, and was able to share them with a couple of the young men who had an interest in having them–so lots of rocks were hauled away as well. One of the young men has an interest in dahlias, so we let him dig up the bulbs from the flowerbeds.

My aunt came to get Ja’Ana and brought 2 orchids and a pot of basil. She gave them to me so that we wouldn’t have to constantly get fresh flowers for the mantle–orchids will last. The basis is for the kitchen.  As was suggested by a reader comment, my daughter is bringing some limes and lemons over today to put in a bowl.

Today, we are the service project of a small church.  We hope that the weather will enable them to spread bark dust and that the rest of the house will be finished.  We have a few other family and friends coming over as well, especially this afternoon.  We are so grateful for all the help we have received from everyone.  Although Rob and I have been working for over 2 months, every day we can, we would never have finished so soon without all of this help.  It has been a blessing to us.




5 thoughts on “Cleaning Weekend–Part 1”

  1. What a blessing it must be to have so many helping hands. Especially the one that washed windows. Ha! I’d love to find a friend like that. And soon! Best of luck on a profitable sale!


    1. Thanks, Jane. We seriously could not have made it look so good without all the help. We would either have to leave it undone, or take several more months. I can’t wait to see how it looks tonight, with the bark dust.

  2. I’m so glad that there were so many good people out there to help you. I remember the last time I moved it was from a big house and it took forever and every bit of strength to get it done. Looking back, I am amazed I pulled it off. You are doing great and I’m sure you’ll be looking back at this move as amazed over what you were able to get done as I was.

    1. I actually can’t get over how much people have helped us get done. It is SO much work and I’m so thankful for every single thing anyone has done for us. I’m to the point where I’m so tired that I’m glad to be at a little resting point in the process so I can re-gain some strength for the next big push:) I’m sure there is still more work than I imagine to still do, but all that has been done sure will help!

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