Easter was a blessed holiday for us. We were able to go to church at 6:30 a.m., and were even able to keep our eyes open during the service, which was inspiring:) Rob cooked a ham, a turkey, and some grilled cauliflower steaks on the bbq and we had salads, desserts and sides to go with them, with everyone bringing something to share.

The card on these flowers SAID they were from Anthony and Allison, but I have a suspicion that Anthony didn’t know as much as Allison did about them:)….. They are sure pretty and are brightening things up around here today.
I set the tables with tablecloths I already had. I picked bluebells from the yard, where they are taking over the flowerbeds and used canning jars for vases. Rob got some ribbon from the dollar store which I used, and he also spread some chocolate eggs along the table right before we ate, so they would last more than 10 minutes:). I picked some parsley and cilantro for more bouquets and let people take some home if they wanted to.

Rob dug up some parsley plants from the massive collection in my flowerbed and let people take home starts for their gardens. This is also how we decorated the outside table on our deck.

Alissa headed up the Easter egg hunt in the yard. We call our aunt, “The Easter Bunny Janet” because she has filled the eggs with candy for many years. She brought the candy-filled eggs, Alissa hid them, and the younger ones found them. Then all candy was put in bowls, divided amongst everyone who wanted any, and sent home in baggies. I overheard Patsy telling Alissa that she might need to help hide eggs next year—I guess she’s feeling like she’s getting a little older….So, that would leave Jake to find all the eggs???? I’m sure someone will help him, or we will need to find another kid or two to invite:)
I did a lot of cooking and cleaning this week. I had to go grocery shopping since I skipped last week, so I looked for bargains, and used Ibotta for rebates. It went well, and I stayed in the budget I wanted to.

I got quite a bit of gardening done in bits and pieces whenever I had time and it wasn’t raining. I planted a new blueberry by the 2 old plants. I’m hoping the berries will be larger and sweeter than the ones on the old bushes. I’ve been digging up plants, clipping bushes, and digging grass out to make the edging cleaner in many flowerbeds. I have a lot more to do!

I made Patsy a skirt. We did some shopping and got a black lace top to wear over a black tank top to go with it. She also got a few other things, and I got a few as well. We found great bargains, and the skirt was from fabric I’ve had for years, so it didn’t break our bank. We both had gift cards from Christmas and/or birthdays, so that helped, too. We should be set for a bit.

I spent hours preparing for a homeschool meeting regarding Alissa. We go though a diploma program and I needed to have a meeting with them to show the work we’ve completed so far, grades, hours spent, etc. I wanted this meeting as a final check-up to make sure we’ve done it all, since she’s supposed to graduate on June 6. I called it my “anxiety meeting.” We now have a list of the final few things that need to be finished, another appointment in 1 month, and we will be done! Since I put in so much work on the record-keeping as well as having her do extra schoolwork to finish up this and that, it won’t be so hard when I do the final compilation in a month. Whew!
Rob has been taking her senior pictures. They got a lot of good shots on Saturday, but they aren’t done yet. They have plans for a couple more sessions. Already there are too many good ones to choose from….What a great “problem” to have!

Oh – that is a big moment for Patsy . From finder to hider! Your Easter sounds lovely and I love the “country chic” flower arrangements.
Thank you! We will see what Patsy thinks after a year goes by, but she’s growing up, that’s for sure! Since everyone gets a little ziplock of candy if they want it, I’m sure the pain won’t be too great if she hides instead of finds:)
Beautiful flowers and wonderful photos. The one of Alissa in front of the camellia is lovely. I hope your blueberry is prolific and delicious!
Thank you! Alissa is very photogenic. We are all very excited about how the pictures are looking so far. That’s what’s so cool about digital photography–Rob used his good camera for the pictures, put the card in the computer, and then her parents, my mom, etc. all gathered around looking at them all–it was fun! They have another time or two they want to go out to different places for more shots.
Lovely Pics!
Thank you!
Sounds like a great Easter!
Love the pictures. Congatulations to Alissa, and great job keeping track of all the paper work.
Paperwork is my least favorite part of teaching homeschool, so I’m super glad to have most of it behind me for the year.
Rob did a great job on Alissa’s pictures. She looks beautiful. Sounds like a wonderful Easter.
Thank you so much. Rob has done the senior pictures for our kids for a while now, and was pleased when Alissa asked her to take hers. They are going out Monday again to take some more. She’s really, really enjoying the process, and so is he!
I love the new look of your blog and the great pictures you are taking. It’s impressive.
Thank you so much. I still have so much to learn about blogging, so it’s nice to hear that this looks good. Hopefully, once I get caught up outside, I can work on it even more.
You are braver than I. Mine is set, working and I fear making any changes because it is so time-consuming when something doesn’t work right.
I had a pretty hard time of it while I was making the change. I’m thinking of a few more changes I’d like to make, but am waiting for a weekend when I have a lot of time, since it does take a long time. I’m super thankful to the support team at the Cloud Access web hosting company, which I am using, because they spent hours on the phone with me, plus at one point, even made a personal video for me to help me through a super hard patch:)