Weekly Update and Saving Money–April 22, 2018


This week was all about getting back to normal after our wonderful, but exhausting, trip to Washington D.C.

Traveling is not inexpensive.  But,even  with the high costs of food, travel, Ubers, etc., we did manage to save money in some areas.

We cooked in our rented townhouse a lot, and ate out only when we were out and about sightseeing.  Because eating out is expensive at any time, we saved hundreds of dollars that way.

We had many, many tours and visited Smithsonian museums that were free.  There were a couple of places we went that cost money–Mt. Vernon and Museum of the Bible, but almost everything else we saw had no admission cost.

There was food left in the fridge and cupboards that was left by previous guests of this VRBO townhouse we had rented.  There was a note stating that we were to eat all we wanted.  So we ate a lot of it.

We used public transportation and did not rent a car, saving on car rental and parking.  We used public transportation.

We ordered groceries in from Safeway and used a Promo Code to get free delivery.

Once home, I went shopping and spent $200 in groceries.  I had over $100 left from last month, and used the rest from the new grocery envelope.  I had not been shopping for a week or so before the trip, and I was gone for 11 days.  It was time.


On Saturday, we went to the beach with our friends Harnet and Danait.  Because both of the older girls were working, we were able to take the smaller car, saving gas.  It was sunny, but quite cold, with a wind that could cut right through any coat.  So, we briefly went down to the beach, where Danait wanted to pick up all the rocks (millions) and throw them in the small stream or ocean.  She finally decided to chase birds:). It was adorable.


I packed a picnic.  I had purchased portable food such as Go-Gurt, made potato salad, packed lunchmeat and cheese and bread for those who wanted it, and took along some fruits and veggies that my sister brought down on Friday.  We were fortunate enough to find a picnic table that was sheltered from the wind, and had a very fun time.



We went over to the Mark Hatfield Marine Science Center and enjoyed the exhibits. They have just re-done many of them, and we enjoyed seeing both the old familiar ones, and the new ones. The Center is by donation only, and we did donate, but it was not expensive.


We stopped off to see the sea lions on the dock at Newport.

After that, we drove to a couple of view points along the coast to admire the waves and the gorgeous blue sky and ocean in the comfort of the car and ended up at Dairy Queen for some ice cream.  No surprise there:)



At the rest stop on the way back, Danait loved the field of English daisies and dandelions.  She and I ran around the grassy patch, then she picked a flower for every person she could remember the name of–quite a few flowers.  Then, she handed them out to those of us in the car and went back for more.


It was a good day.  Even our patient driver was tired!  But, we all had a wonderful time.


How did your week go?



24 thoughts on “Weekly Update and Saving Money–April 22, 2018”

  1. I’m glad you had such a nice trip! And now you are relaxing at home with good memories. So nice of the people to leave food, and good that you used a lot of it because otherwise it would go to waste. So true, that many things in D.C. are free to sightsee at. We like using our smaller car for trips (when it isn’t snowing…..) as the gas savings is nice! Your family is always happy. Andrea

    1. Thank you! It felt a little funny at first to use up other people’s food, especially the 1/2 jug of milk, but we soon got into the spirit of it. I agree–it would have been wasted if we had not used it:)

  2. You just go go go. You need a day off. Do Moms get those? You all look like you had a great time. I love when the older kids fall asleep in the car.

      1. Maybe you need that day off:). I just got home for the day, so now I need to hustle around here and do a few things, then hopefully, will have some time to read blogs later this evening.

    1. I do like to be busy:). However, sooner or later, I will crash and burn. Tonight, I won’t do very much and this week is a little lighter on the schedule, which I will welcome.

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in D.C. and at the beach.

    Has your husband lost more weight? His face is looking thinner.

  4. What a fun day you had! We often drive to the NC mountains and eat a picnic in the cold and I always wish I had brought hot soup in a thermos but never remember. How wonderful to be kids and be able to sleep in the way home.

    We had a little getaway to Virginia to a favorite Bluegrass venue of ours. We drove the back roads through farm country and just had a great time. We had a blast at the concert with great music and lots of locals dancing the flatfoot which I just cannot get the hang of yet. Our middle son and family gave us money for Christmas for a getaway and so it was nice to just have the money on hand plus the concert tickets are just $5 there.

    Grocery outlet deals were crazy good. 3/$1 boxes of powdered and brown sugar, 50 cent packs of real bacon pieces, more coffee beans at $3 for 2 pounds and the list goes on like that. We will not need powdered of brown sugar for a long time. We also got 2 free candy bars, 2 free yogurts and a $50 gas card for $40.

    Have a good week!

    1. My goodness, you got a lot of great deals at Grocery Outlet. We love that place!

      I love taking a drive through the country, as well. Rob loves to drive, so all I ever need to do is sit back and enjoy the scenery. My friend, Harnet, loves drives as well, especially since she uses public transportation and doesn’t ride out into the country. So, it was a real treat for us both.

  5. I love the pictures of Danait in the flowers and the girls asleep in the car. Too sweet!

    Sounds like your trip back east was amazing – thank you for taking us “with you” vicariously through your photos and detailed accounts. Wonderful!

  6. My granddaughter picked lots of flowers while here over the weekend, and made us a bouquet that kept growing. Sweet little girls. It looks like you all had a grand time.

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