This week, we ate quite simply, but it was delicious! We were camping at the beach all week, but we came back and forth several times, using home as our landing spot, so to speak. We did this because Patsy had an event she wanted to attend with the church youth group that lasted 2 nights, and Lovana was flying in from Hawaii. It was up to us to ferry everyone back and forth. So, several meals were eaten in the car, from items packed in a small cooler. Others were eaten at home from odds and ends we dug up, and the rest were eaten in the camper at the beach.
All except one. Rob and I took the occasion to go out to dinner on Sunday night last week. It is so rare for us to have an evening of our own that we wanted to do something special, so we went to a restaurant at the beach and had seafood dinners! Yum:)

Rob cooked on his little camping barbecue several times. He made chicken, steak and mini pizzas. We started with pre-made gluten-free crusts, decorated them, and he cooked them. If you try it, use plenty of foil and don’t turn the BBQ up too high or they burn. After a little practice, they turned out amazing:)

I had made and frozen split pea soup, packed potato salad and chicken for the first day, and had plenty of veggies and salad fixings. We bought salad shrimp twice and I had hard boiled eggs as well. We used home-canned soup and beans and made a lot of eggs and pancakes. We like it simple when we are camping.
I took the opportunity to sort through the camper cupboards and pulled out mixes, rice, and other items that had been there longer than I like. I brought in the things I didn’t use on the trip, and I’m systematically sorting them–they are getting used very soon, or discarded if they are no good. I’m going to replace several items before we go camping again, either from the store, or from my cupboards at home.
We had a good time, rested a lot, visited with Lovana, and took a lot of naps. I was able to get down and walk on the beach several times. Although the weather was not sunny all the time and we had a few super rainy days, there were plenty of good-weather days, as well. We got home yesterday, and hit the ground running. Lovana is off visiting some of her many friends, and I’m cooking up a storm so we can have a big birthday party after church tomorrow for her. It should be fun!
The pizza looks great. That is wonderful that you and Rob got to go on a date. Hope Lovana has a wonderful birthday.
I can’t remember the last time we went somewhere for 2 night alone! It was awesome, just because it’s so rare, and so welcome! I know it’s because we have so many children, and they are so spaced out, but we chose this life and that’s how it is, but we grab chances when we can get them to keep building our marriage.
Sounds like you had a nice week! I love the quilt on the bed next to Rob.
I love reading your blog and look forward to “Rob’s Weight Loss Journey, Part 2.” My husband needs a hip replacement also. He’s not looking forward to it, but I think he’ll feel so much better afterwards.
I’m sorry your husband is in pain. It’s hard to watch them suffer, isn’t it? Hopefully, he will get the hip replacement soon, and it will help him so much!
I do want to do another post about Rob’s weight loss. Hopefully, things will calm down a bit around here and I’ll get some more time to post:)
Happy Birthday to Lovana! Glad you were able to celebrate together. how did she end up in Hawaii? I’m sure she is enjoying living there.
Sounds like a wonderful camping trip. I have never tried grilling pizza, but yours looks delicious.
Glad you were able to go on a date night. That’s great.
Have a great week.
Lovana was given an opportunity to go work at a coffee shop that was opening. The girl who was going to manage the opening chose 2 girls and asked them if they wanted to go help get this shop open. This is the 3rd coffee job Lovana has held, and she is good at making coffee:). The 3 of them are rooming together. So, she had room mates, a job lined up, and an opportunity for her “big adventure” as we are calling it. She made a 1-year commitmen, and was brave enough to go. After she arrived, it became apparent that the new shop wasn’t going to open as soon as planned, so she went and got another job at a huge hotel, in their coffee shop. Now, she works at both places. The new shop is starting to really take off, so there are more hours, larger tips, etc. She has insurance from both places:). (The Mama in me loves that part!). It is super expensive to live there, so she doesn’t want to give up the hotel job, even though the other shop is getting much busier. It’s a lot of work, sometimes working both places in a single day, but she is not sorry she went. It’s been really good for her, and I’m proud of her for taking this brave step.
Thanks for sharing about Louvana. I have been wondering how it was going for her in Hawaii. It is thrilling to hear it is a success. Whenever one of your little ones flies the coop, it is hard on a mama’s heart.
I’m glad you enjoyed the update!
Oh how exciting! Definitely a big adventure. She must be an awesome barrista, and I’m glad she is doing so well. I’m glad she was able to come home for her birthday, and I know it was good to spend time together.
I’m not a coffee drinker, but I’ve heard she makes great coffee! She used to make me Italian sodas, and I loved those:)