There were a lot of branches in our garden area from the apple tree we heavily pruned earlier in the spring. Rob worked on cutting them up several times during the week. Even though he’s having a very hard time getting around, he finds he can still get some things done if he divides the jobs up into several short work sessions rather than the marathons he’s used to doing. We have the yard debris bin full, and another pile of cut sticks to put in it when it gets emptied.
On Saturday, Patsy mowed down the many, many weeds. Although it was being very difficult, and kept dying at first, Rob got the tiller going and tilled most of the garden. He said it must have been having trouble running with the old gas leftover in the engine from last summer, because it died over and over, but finally started running better. There is still a little more to do another time, but it’s well on it’s way. Patsy and I spread 20 bags of steer manure/compost as he was tilling. Then, Patsy planted a couple of things and I did many more. I’ve been hand-watering the little starts and seeded rows. We don’t want to run sprinklers until we have all of it planted.

Before it was mowed, I scurried thought the garden picking the volunteer lettuce, green onions and cilantro that were growing in the weeds and under the brush pile. I washed it all up, and we will eat it this week.

I made up a lot of frozen bean, rice and cheese burritos for future meals. Tortillas were $1/package this week, due to Cinco de Mayo. Many evenings when I am still at work, it makes an easy meal for Rob to give Patsy. She loves them.
I worked on homeschool with Alissa for many, many hours this week as well. I have an appointment to turn her work and grades in, in 2 weeks, so we are both working hard to get it done. One of our projects was visiting 4 different stores with a list of food items. We priced them out at each store, and added up the cost of the list. In the process, I gleaned the loss leaders from each store. I got plenty of bargains, and won’t shop this coming week unless I see an amazing deal, or run out of something small.
I did a lot of cooking, a fair amount of gardening, a little cleaning, no sewing at all, and stayed frugal through it all! How did your week go?
The work never seems to end in a yard or garden. Before I sold my house I remember going home from work and then working in the yard till dark. It was hard work but I slept well!
I sure need to get out there in the evenings. I’m just a bit tired in the evenings. Good for you for getting out there! (When you did!)
The garden is looking good. I am borrowing my dad’s tiller this week. My baby plants are going great. The peas are getting bigger every day. We have been doing lots of yard work ourselves. We pulled out a ton of overgrown bushes. I was quoted $600 for the job and we did it ourselves. I love big savings like that. I posted about it on my blog if anyone wants to see.
I can’t even begin to imagine how much it would cost me to have what I’ve done this year done by a landscaper! Good job on your part, as well:). Since this is our 3rd summer here, I finally have a plan to get rid of this and that, severely trim and cut back some other things, and plant what I want. It’s a lot of work right now, but I’m hoping in the long run, it will save me time and make my life easier. Little things like some large, sweet blueberries instead of the small, sour ones that are here will make my life a lot sweeter:). I’m leaving the established bushes, though, until these new ones get big enough to really produce, and we can always make jam and crisps with sugar in them—they always make good muffins because they are small.