We had a very simple birthday party for Lovana at home. I cooked some shrimp I had frozen and she made a very decadent cake.

She likes to cook and bake, and had a pleasant afternoon baking. I was able to get her a bouquet of flowers at Safeway and her dad made her raised beds, as she wished. She has been able to work part time, and spends time both at her house and here. We are taking the greatest precautions–lots of disinfecting, a ton of cleaning and mopping, lots of extra laundry– all working hard to keep her in our small circle and not spread the virus. She would be very, very alone otherwise.

I did some recreational baking, as well. These sweet roll twists used some sweet potatoes I had canned years ago. Both Rob and I have been pulling items from the freezers and cupboards and using them. Some have been there for years! It’s been nice to use them up. I found a couple of frozen things I needed to toss, and am glad they have been culled. I’ve found myself making things that take longer, since I’m home more.

We are doing homeschool with Jake 3 days per week. His parents do the other 2 days. He modeled the butterfly and Patsy made the flowers with some clay I found while cleaning. I’m using books and supplies I have on hand with lots of internet videos on subjects he has interest in. His dad, the math professor, gets to do all the math:) This week, Patsy and I will really hit the books and get back to work on her curriculum after these past 2 crazy weeks. She was supposed to be gone, but couldn’t go, so we didn’t have very much school planned.

Rob has been working on another compost bin for the other side of the garden. He used scrap wood a friend gave him. He’s been making some other things as well. He’s growing some wonderful starts in the greenhouse and the ones I planted out in the garden are doing well. He plans to give the extras away. His mom told him the garden centers in her town are being wiped out of plants by eager gardeners who want to plant a garden, so he wants to share any extras, rather than just toss them, as we might do other wise.

He’s really getting into mason bee houses. They look amazing!
Another way we saved money the past few weeks was the Safeway Monopoly game. Patsy has been enjoying scanning the tickets on-line. She got enough tokens for a $25 Safeway gift card, and a Fandango one for $15. Much to my surprise, a choice for the Fandango one was a Visa gift card instead. So, I got that! She is getting most of these tickets from others in the store who don’t want to play, and are sharing with her. I’ve also spent a little more than normal there, getting what we need. We also got a few little grocery items from instant winner tickets.
Love the mason bee house. I’ve got two that a local artist made, but can’t figure out how and where I want to hang them. It’s great that so many are wanting to garden this year. We’ve also talked about sharing any extra seedlings we have, though our tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings are still pretty tiny.
Rob is out this morning dropping off the extra seedings and getting a van load of firewood from my sister’s farm. He and Patsy are keeping their distance from everyone but it got them out for a necessary reason. he combined the errands, of course. So thankful there is wood up there with our name on it! its still pretty cold here:)
Happy birthday to Lovana. Glad she can be with you when she wants too. Her cake and your treats look yummy. I’ve been doing tons of baking (way to much), since my husband is now having to work from home during this time. It’s been an adjustment, especially the first week or so. It took us a few days to get into a new “normal” schedule. He is typically gone all week with his job, but we are learning to readjust and enjoying it now. I did an inventory of my pantry & freezers so like you, I’m trying to use up the oldest stuff. We’ve used strawberries and squash from the freezer that were from 2016 but were perfectly good. I’m anxious to get out garden out. My husband turned the ground with the plow this weekend to let it lay for a week or so. Then after the rain we are gonna have for a couple days this week, he will let dry out and work it up finer. The garden spot seems to get larger every year and this is no exception. We feel compelled to try to grow more this year like many others. We have our seeds planted in cups in our tiny greenhouse. I hope that works but plan to still purchase a few tomato & pepper plants from the nearby Amish greenhouse to doubly be sure & to get a little more variety. Some of my tomato seeds were old seeds so not sure they will even come up. I do have tiny cabbage & cucumber plants peeking thru the soil. I’m so excited. I also have to buy more green bean seeds over there too. I have prayed God will bless our efforts as we feel we may have to help ourselves, friends & neighbors this year during this difficult time. But that’s as it should be anyway. I know this is a stressful time for so many, but there are so many blessings mixed in as well if we look for them. Stay safe and enjoy your time together….Vicky in Ky
Happy gardening! Its such a great thing to do during this time. I hope you can get it going very soon.
Love the mason bee house! A few years ago I went out to find a swarm of bees on the ground and in one of our willows. I called a ‘bee guy” and described them to him. He told me they are ‘native’ bees and not to do anything with/to them. He said that they are different from honey bees in that they don’t domesticate well (as in man made hives used for honey catching) but they are great pollinators. Can’t tell you how many people would stop and tell me I had “killer bees” in my front yard! Each time I’d tell them about these bees. That was the year we stopped using so much pesticide and stuff in our yard and farm. Thanks for the nice memory!
Glad you are able to keep your daughter connected. That would be so hard, especially as close as your family is. While I get the social distancing there are just going to be situations where there needs to be connectedness.
Tomorrow – oops, today! I am going to do all of my town errands for what I hope is a month. Pick up an order made on-line for Walmart, placed an order for meat at the local meat market and bakery. I have made all my plans for how to handle the cleaning process of what I bring home. Watched a YouTube video by a doctor to go over.
Haven’t been sleeping well – haven’t found a routine with the “new normal” yet. Mary
The mason bees pollinate but don’t sting. Just try to convince Jake of that!
It sounds like you have a great plan. Im sorry you can’t sleep…I have my moments, too:), but Im never a very good sleeper so I can’t blame it on the virus!
The little bee house is so sweet!
Thank you! He’s really getting into making them right now