The garden is really starting to pump out the produce. I’m having to spend more and more time picking and dealing with it all! What a wonderful “problem” to have:)
Most of these greens were chopped up and put in baggies in the fridge for Rob to stir-fry for his breakfast scrambles. The bowl of blueberries was full last night. I guess everyone was super hungry for blueberries!

In the past, I’ve had trouble with these blueberries being too sour. My mom suggested that maybe I was picking them too soon–so I waited 2 weeks longer than I have in the past, and picked very carefully. They are nice and sweet! There are a lot more out there and I will start freezing some soon, but we might as well eat what we want while they are fresh because we won’t get that chance again until next summer once they are gone.

After Rob wore the tips off his walker by taking so may walks, he changed over to trekker poles as he was starting to make gouges in the floor. He is going out 2-4 times per day for a walk, with company, and with all the trips added up, went about 2 miles yesterday. Today marks 1 week since his surgery. I’m completely amazed, but so happy. He hasn’t been able to walk this much for years.
I have family members coming in Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help me out this week. It’s so nice of them to come, and we plan to garden, do laundry, and things like that.
Wow, Becky, this is the absolute BEST news! I’m so happy for all of you.
Thank you so much. I think so, too!
Having so many garden vegetables to deal with is a nice problem to have. Glad it’s productive for you. And look at Rob, so slim & mobile. I’m sure he feels so good after such a long time in pain. So happy for both of you. Hope neither of you over do though. Take care. ….Vicky in Ky
We are trying to keep from over-doing! It’s hard for him, though, because he feels so much better:). But he’s really trying to follow all the rules they laid out for him.
So wonderful to hear about Rob’s progress. We’re enjoying blueberries too. I always pick the ones that seem to want to come with the slightest tug, and leave the rest for another day. Our chard is still small. Looking forward to having some as pretty as yours.
I got exactly 2 chard plants from the row I planted. So, I cut it off, and there it is! I think it will grow back like lettuce does. Hopefully, yours did a little better:)
What a pleasure to see Rob looking so well and so soon after surgery too! I’m so glad things are working out so well!
We cannot believe how quickly he is up on his feet! So amazing:)
You are right, Rob is really tall! He looks great and is an inspiration to everyone by how hard he has worked.
And the hard work is continuing, via therapy! They have all kinds of goals for him to work on, so he is:)
I’m so glad to hear Rob is doing so well after his surgery . All his hard work is paying off.
Thank you so much!