Let’s see…..a choice between a picture of my super cute grandson, or 2 kind of ugly turkeys…….hmmmm……no contest–baby wins!

Back to the turkeys, then….. Rob found 2 fresh turkeys on clearance yesterday. We baked them both, boiled the bones and made tons of broth, and stocked the freezers with broth and turkey chunks. We did not make turkey for Christmas, so saved some out to eat.
I made a turkey-rice soup while I was at it. I also boiled the ham bone and then filled the crock pot with ham and beans. I do have a menu plan for this week, but I will save several of those meals for next week. In January, I always try to eat a lot from the pantry and freezers, and I plan to do the same this year, so it will nice to have a few meals already planned.

My amaryllis lily bloomed, just in time for Christmas. We’ve been enjoying watching it grow all month.
This week was very full of Christmas. We got all the presents finished and delivered in a timely fashion, and had short visits with some. We decided to drive to the beach Christmas Day. The weather was not very good, but we didn’t care. We had a great time. I took a short walk, and Rob and Patsy walked down to the beach to look for rocks for a little while. We took all of our own food, changes of clothes, blankets, towels, and pretty much everything else we could possible think of, knowing no stores would be open. Of course, we didn’t need any of it except the lunch, but, hey….it’s 2020. Better safe than sorry!
Contrary to what happened to others, 2020 was not the worst year I’ve lived through. After all, Rob had a life-changing hip surgery, some other people I care for had medical things that literally saved their lives, and I had an amazing gardening season. Although I know several people who had Covid, none of them caught it badly. I have a lot to be thankful for.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and are looking forward to the new year as much as I am. I always love January. It always feels so fresh and new. I’m excited to see what it has in store for us:)
Your grandson is definitely cuter! 😀
Glad you had a lovely Christmas, Becky. Wish you and yours a wonderful New Year!
Thank you. No contest, right?
Merry Christmas Becky!!
Merry Christmas to you, dear friend. I hope you had a wonderful one, too.
He is a cutie pie! I like getting amaryllis, for cheer after Christmas is over. I got one for myself and my sister this year, earlier than usual, because I wasn’t sure when I’d be out again and be able to find them. Sadly, they were pretty much done a couple of weeks before Christmas. I love the color of yours. Here’s to a bright, shiny New Year!
Thank you:)
Rob picked up 3–one for my aunt, mother, and myself. Since he was not in the stores very often, it was absolutely, positively, nothing but amazing that ours bloomed at the right time. I haven’t grown one for many, many years, but thought it would be a good project at a time when I’m staying home so much.
Precious baby! My best Christmas gift was finding out I’m going to be a Grandma. I’m so excited!
That’s so exciting! Congratulations:)
Awww sweet baby picture! I know he made Christmas even better.
Love your amaryllis! We received one for Christmas, and are enjoying watching it grow and hopefully bloom.
You have such a wonderful attitude. I’m glad that there were blessings for you in 2020, and I hope that 2021 will be full of blessings for you and your family. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you as well:)
Your grandson is beautiful! I just want to take a moment to let you know that I always follow the link to your blog from The Prudent Homemaker & I enjoy reading about your adventures very much ! It seems strange but each Monday I’ll think “wonder what Becky has been up to? Or wonder how Rob’s hip is doing?” This is the part of the internet I like, where you can share in other’s joys & happy moments. And you are so right-there is a lot to be thankful for!
That’s sweet. I am glad you are enjoying reading:)
I check every week too! Your posts are so encouraging to me. To be more frugal we purchased a vacuum sealer. We are just losing too much food getting freezer burnt. We like to cook in bulk but my roast and chicken were drying out even with juice within a few months. Cheese was getting full of crystals too. We were hesitant over the years to buy one because we felt like the bags would be expensive. With just the 2 of us at home the money we save from not wasting will more than cover the cost.
Christmas was quiet here. We were in quarantine. Hubby and I just so enjoyed the little things. We tried new recipes, watched nature videos on you tube. He loves the medical field videos so between nature and medical we really leaned a lot of interesting things.
The little guy is adorable. Your Christmas was awesome. I like you just love to make up gift bags and deliver them. Our church has started a Handful of Hope program. Each family that wants to participate takes a shut-in or one who just needs encouragement and give them love and attention all month. It has so blessed my husband and I. Have a wonderful week!!
I love the idea of taking a gift to a shut-in or other person! I’m glad you enjoy reading. As you can see by how long it took to respond to comments this time, I’ve been busy enjoying the holiday, as well. But, today, Monday….back to schedule and cleaning and cooking and school and…….and…and…..I’m sure it’s the same for everyone. Have a great start to your new year, too!
That baby is ridiculously cute.
Thank you! I think so, too:)