Thriving in My Thrifty Week–August 19, 2018


I was planning to take a nap this afternoon.  Instead, I canned Improved Elberta peaches.  They were picked only yesterday, but I checked on them after church out of habit, and was amazed that some of them needed to be processed!  I decided to do slices this year.  I still have some jars with halves left over, and slicing these will make people think they are getting something different:) :). I also froze a couple more trays of the Veteran peaches.


I made a peach crisp with the blanched peaches that I did not need to fill my jars.


I made chicken soup and broccoli cheddar soup this week.  We mainly ate soup this week, along with leftovers.  I cooked a chicken, too, and we filled in with hot dogs and sandwiches along with many garden vegetables.

I was very busy with food preservation and also spending time with a family member who was in the hospital.   Rob ended up doing most of the work hours this week, and Michaela’s dad took her to her events this week so us girls would be more available.  We all took turns going down there to spend time, and were delighted when the issue was resolved with a good outcome and the patient went home.   I will say the fact that the hospital was only about 10-15 minutes from my home helped a lot.  They sure treat people well there–one different thing from times past is that meals can be ordered at any time according to when the patient wants it.  The nurses were very attentive, so attentive in fact, that they did things like weigh the patient in the middle of the night, give a bath at 11 pm, and other crazy things!  Yikes.  Good thing they finally did what needed to be done and sent the patient home so they could actually get some rest!  Seriously, we are very thankful for the good care that was received.


We did take Jake and Patsy down to the beach Wednesday afternoon, as had been promised before the other situation arose. I made it as easy on myself as possible as my week was so busy.  We took them to a place where a tiny river went into the sea so it was safe for them to play.   They dug in the sand for hours.   The “boy team” of sand castle builders made an amazing sandcastle.


This was definitely the winner of the boys!


Here is the winner of the girl team–a sand volcano.

The winner of the boys and the winner of the girls both got to go to Dairy Queen.  The fighting was pretty bad until they finally caught on that they BOTH were going to be the winners!  Silly kids.  I’m still laughing.  Rob and I grabbed a fresh shrimp cocktail from a seafood shop near Dairy Queen. It was so good!


Because I was at the hospital during the morning before we went, I didn’t gather anything from home except the sand toys, books to read in the car and Rob grabbed extra Jake clothes.  Upon arriving at the beach town,  Jake and I ran into a little market and grabbed the cheapest loaf of bread they had for the sea gulls after he mentioned how much he was looking forward to feeding them.  He loved the store for whatever reason, and even told the cashier how much he loved the store.  She was surprised, but pleased at his fervent enthusiasm!  It might have been the fact that we bought Bugles and candy along with the bread….hmmmm…


After about 3-1/2 hours of digging, I had a willing volunteer to wash off the sand toys.  We got him changed and went to another rest area, in search of a bathroom with soap in it.  He decided to wash out his cup at the second place in one of those outdoor foot washers, and soaked his pants again as he was standing in front of the faucet.  So, we got him changed yet again. Of course, there was the Dairy Queen visit, as well.  It was getting late, so we just took him home and kept him for the night as Rob needed to take him to the library summer reading party the next morning while I went down to the hospital some more.


He loved the free party–his prize for all the reading we’ve done all summer.  He also received a free book.  Patsy helped Rob corral him.  It was super crowded again, and he had fun for a while before the crowds overwhelmed him.   Then they went home.

Rob and Patsy took off for a weekend away rock hunting, camping and fishing with one of Rob’s best friends.  I stayed home to get a few things done, mostly food preservation.  Now is the time of year to get that done.

My sister gave me peaches, corn, tomatoes and a handful of green beans from her garden and orchard.  I got several veggies from my garden, as well.  I used some apples from our tree to make 7 quarts of applesauce.  I love that I got free apples from my own backyard.  The tree did basically nothing last year, so I did not expect any this year, and it was a pleasant surprise.

I ordered 4 new shirts from Macy’s on super clearance.  They came yesterday and are exactly the same style I’ve had before, so I expect they will fit well.  I got free shipping on the order, due to a promotion they were having the day I ordered.  I simply have not had time to physically shop much lately, either for groceries or clothes or anything else, saving me quite a bit this past month.

In the past 5 weeks, I’ve spent about $150 on groceries.  $60 was spent today when I realized that I had no choice but to go shopping after church if I wanted Rob to feel welcomed home after his trip.  I could have him offered nothing but peaches and tomatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but we’ve stayed married for over 35 years for a reason:). I know better!  This next 4 weeks won’t be much worse, unless I go on a Costco run.  This is possible because the garden is producing so well, and I have a good stockpile.  I will need to restock sooner or later, though, but it’s been nice while I’m so busy to not have to shop.

Well, the weary campers have just walked in the door, so I’m going to hug them and go to bed!



12 thoughts on “Thriving in My Thrifty Week–August 19, 2018”

  1. I really enjoyed your beach photos and your canned peaches and peach dessert look so good!
    $150 for 5 weeks for a big family is just a huge accomplishment.

    1. Thank you. I am actually delighted with how the numbers played out, since part of it was diligent hard work, and part of it just happened due to the way our lives are going around here right now. No one expects to have a week where they end up canning like crazy while visiting the hospital at the same time, or some of the other things we did, but it was super nice to have more than enough food that I absolutely did not worry one bit about that!

    1. Thank you. I hope your month is going well, also.

      I’ve been canning all day, before and after watching the kids, and got all the peaches that needed to be canned done and apples turned into sauce. I’m pretty tired, but satisfied tonight. All this canning will keep the budget low this coming winter!

  2. I can only imagine the fight that was going on until they both figured out that they both would be winners. You sure were busy. The peaches look beautiful. We have tons of tomatoes that I need to process but I have to go to Jury Duty today. We will see if I get picked or not.

    1. I still have to do quite a few tomatoes. In fact, there is a large bucket full here in the kitchen that I hope to do before Jake gets here today. Then I’m in a waiting game until more ripen. I was so glad to finish the applesauce and the peaches yesterday. I love canning, but am getting tired. (But happy with the results!)

  3. Isn’t it wonderful to have fresh fruit and vegi’s from the garden? I canned some of our tiny plums and cherry tomatoes today, which I made into juice. I hope your family member continues to do better.

    1. Thank you. They are recovering nicely.

      I am getting so many cherry tomatoes that I’ve considered canning them as well. They are yellow pear and chocolate cherry–I’m thinking they would look cool in jars!

  4. Oh, all those jars of canned peaches look so good! A lot of work to process all that fruit, but so worth it! Sorry to hear that a family member had to be hospitalized; it’s a good thing the nurses were so attentive (!) and the patient is home, recovering from all that care! Your day at the beach sounds good too, and too funny about the winners fighting about their treat! 😀 Off to catch up on your other posts!

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