Rob spent some time cutting up the boards we scavenged for free into stove-friendly sizes.
Jake thought the noise from the saw was too loud, so he put on some of Patsy’s ear muffs while he built Legos on the sunny deck. I though he made quite a fashion statement.
I got enough flowers for another small bouquet. Although we were hit by a couple of light frosts, only some of the flowers were killed and there are a few more scragglers still hanging on out there. I hope to get another bouquet tomorrow since this one is looking sad today.
There were many things to see this week that were absolutely free.
I enjoyed fall colors…..
Geese flying…
Watching logs float down the rain-swollen river at my sister’s house….
A mist-covered spider web…
The freshly-mown lawn that Patsy did herself this time…and saw so much more.
I made waffles using the Mickey Mouse waffle iron I got at a garage sale last weekend. I used a gluten-free pancake/waffle mix I got off the clearance rack at Fred Meyers and used a few of the 79c/dozen eggs we scored last week. The bacon has been frozen for a while–it was an amazing find at Grocery Outlet a while back. We had Jake for the last couple of days since his parents were very involved with the High School Harvest Party at church. So, even though the girls were at their respective parties, Rob, I and Jake had a nice, fun, breakfast for dinner last night.
In between other things this week, I was able to do some embroidery and some extra cleaning. I cooked meals, as normal, and picked up a couple of items to put in my gift stash. The garden is almost done, and yet I’m still getting a few things. We did pull up the hoses, and had high hopes of tilling it up, but it never got dry enough, and just rained again today. So, we may just need to put compost on it (like old plants, grass, etc.) and till it up in the spring.
The cabbage looks good.
If you look closely, you can see the multitude of baby green onions to the left of the cabbage. A while back, I put some compost on there and buried the seed heads from last year’s onions. Many of them came up! Lots of promise for spring since they are pretty hardy. We will see!!
It was a good week. How did yours go?
It sounds like you had a wonderful week. I love the sound of geese flying over. It lets me know my favorite season is beginning.
There are so many geese in this area, and they are especially prolific over at my sister’s house, since she is on the river. It is very nice to see large groups flying around.
Sounds like such a nice week. It is really so healthy to document all of the things to be grateful for in our everyday life. I love the spiderweb! The cabbages looks so great.
Thank you. I find that looking for the blessings helps me and my attitude so much. If I start getting down, or tired, or discouraged, that’s how I handle it and I usually perk right up. I also love taking pictures, and love having a place to use them to tell a story, that hopefully helps other people keep upbeat and might remind them of their own blessings.
Love the spiderweb!
Thanks! The funny thing is that both myself and Rob took a picture of the same spider web because it looked so cool–without even knowing that the other guy took a picture. Then, I put it on my blog, and he put it on his Facebook:)–without even knowing what the other one did! It was really amazing!
Love all the pictures. We’ve got full Fall color going on as well. So pretty.
Great, too, that your garden is still producing!
Last night, while I was at work, the crew at home managed to clean out the garden and give it a till, except for the cabbage, kale, green onions and a few more things. They left those. I’m delighted! I didn’t think it would get done before the next rain, if ever:)
I like your way of thinking about life. Jake is always adorable no matter what he is up to! My green onions survive the winter noayter how cold it gets.
Thank you! I had to laugh at that choice of costumes, but when I thought about it, the ear muffs were very soft, and kept that noise out–so quite clever!!!
I’m just hoping that the baby onions are big enough to have a good start before the weather gets awful, which is tomorrow. Nothing lost if they don’t:) Rob, Patsy and Lovana got the garden tilled while I was at work last evening, and left all the winter items intact! I’m delighted, to put it mildly:)
Your fall colors are beautiful!. We are still green, but I anticipate things will start turning in a week or two.The cabbage looks amazing!
Thanks! Hey, I was thinking about your extra cleaning that you mentioned on another comment on another blog. You said you scrubbed your tile with soda and bleach. Mine is awful. I wondered if there was any certain trick to it? Or just dip a toothbrush into bleach and soda and just scrub away? I’m thinking I’d like to try something!!!
Something that really cleans up our shower is to just spray it down with straight hydrogen peroxide after our morning shower and let it soak for several hours before just rinsing it off. We really need to do that again soon.
Ok. I’ll try that! It’s so moldy on the grout and around the caulking, it’s disgusting!!!
Oh that Jake…he is such a sweetheart and I love his “ear protection”.
You garden has produced so much for your family…what a blessing! I can never grow cabbage here because the bugs eat holes straight through it. I too have onions in my garden and then keep coming back year after year and multiplying. I just bury the ends of the green onions I get at the grocery store. I think I buy one bunch a year to add to my onion patch and the rest of the year I get all my onions from the patch. I did cut up and freeze a bunch for using over the Fall and Winter.
That’s a good idea–to bury the ends of the ones from the store in the garden. I’ve seen things where people grow them again in the house, but I’ve never tried that, either. I probably won’t inside, because this house is so small, but outside….that’s a different matter!
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to Jeannie,
Happy Birthday to me.
It was my birthday week. I hit 60!!!!! That was the depressing part. The good part was that I hosted my garden club (pictures will follow later) and then I spent the weekend celebrating in a cabin in the woods with my lifelong girlfriends (pictures will NOT follow. It was a pajama party, watch movies, eat junk food weekend).
In spite of being old and grumpy, life is good.
Jeannie @ GetMeToTheCountry
That is awesome! What a great milestone birthday. I think its so much better than the alternative!!!!! I’m glad you had fun in a cabin in pj’s. I wouldn’t post pictures either:)
Your flower arrangement is beautiful, as are all your pictures of Fall. I especially liked the pictures of the tree with the colorful leaves and the one of the flying geese. The Mickey Mouse waffles is a great idea and Jake looks cute with his ear muffs!
Thank you. Fall pictures are some of my favorites, and I love having a place to use them.