Thriving In My Thrifty Week–Nov. 4, 2018


I went out to the garden and was amazed to pick these items!  Since most of the garden has been pulled out, and there are only a few bushes left, AND the weather has been so rainy, AND it was Nov. 2, I was amazed and happy!


I made a stir-fry with some marked down mushrooms, an onion and the boc choi.  It was great!


Thought I was done canning?  So did I.  Until, Rob realized how fast he was scarfing down the tuna, and we decided to go back down to the docks and get some more and can it.  We did that Wednesday.  The tuna season is almost over, so it was now or never.  We had a date day, but Patsy had an orthodontist appointment right after school, so it was a quick trip.  We did get to go out for lunch, though:). It was a great day.  Then, I filled the jars and Rob sat by the canner all evening, with me spelling him to drive Patsy back and forth to church for her event, and for me to hand out candy to the handful of trick-or-treaters we got at our door.  My 2 small bags of sale candy were more than enough and I was glad I had put them away in the shop so they were still there on Halloween night.


Michaela spent the day on Saturday.  She helped me make apple-blackberry crisp for Sunday Family Dinner.


Then Rob took her to the horse ranch where she volunteers, and then rides.  The horse was dressed in a costume of a blue cheetah for Halloween week.


Jake had been with us since Friday morning.  We did quite a few things, including a science experiment, making Krispie treats, jello, and watching the Lego Star Wars movie twice.


Rob and Patsy worked in the shop for a while.  She has a project she has been wanting to do.


I put on a huge pot of beans to make refried beans.  We have eaten most of what I had frozen.   Patsy loves, loves, loves beans.  I also am going to make a nacho for a party this coming week.  We will use what we can, and I will freeze the rest for later when I’m in a hurry.

Another thing we finished this week were the little baggies of cooked brown rice I had frozen for quick meals.  Hopefully, I will get another batch cooked this week.  Making things ahead in large batches and freezing them in smaller portions saves me time and money.  Rob boiled a ham bone, and has broth and bits to freeze and make ham and beans from sometime in the next few days.

We have spent quite a bit of energy this week, getting our daughter, Lovana, off on her next big adventure.  She has flown away to Hawaii, and plans to live and work there for a while.  This opportunity has come up for her, a job was offered, and a couple of girls were available to share an apartment with.  While I will miss her, I am super happy for her. This is a time in her life where she is free to do something like this.  She has been planning and organizing for quite a while now, and it was finally time for her to go.  She had a friend travel with her (bless you Michelle) and they each checked 2 huge suitcases, plus the carry-ons they took.  That’s what she has from here.  She ordered some things from Amazon already, and found a store and bought basic groceries.  They even tried out a new church this morning already.

I have spent some time gathering some things she forgot, or needed, and have already sent one package, and another one goes out tomorrow.  I saved a lot of money by using a flat-rate box and stuffing it very full.


One thing I sent in the box that went out Friday was spices.  I buy them in bulk from Azure Standard or bulk bins mostly, and they are very inexpensive.  Rob had these little plastic bottles.  It is worth the postage for her to have them, since she plans to cook her meals and not eat out.  Since she eats vegetarian for the most part, but adds seafood as well at times, spices will really make her lentils and beans and rice taste better.

They are settled into their apartment, as of last night, but have quite a few things to gather up, yet.  I’m very excited for her, and so proud of her bravery in trying a new thing like this!


19 thoughts on “Thriving In My Thrifty Week–Nov. 4, 2018”

  1. Like you, Becky, I’m delighted to be harvesting from the garden in November. You have more variety than I do, but it’s a lovely thing. How exciting for Lavana! I had just been thinking about Ja’ana, and wondering how she is doing, if that is something you’d like to share. I love that Patsy is working with Rob in the workshop. The children learn so many useful skills from you two.

  2. I’ve never heard of home canned tuna, I imagine it’s much better than commercially canned tuna.
    Our garden is still producing peppers.

  3. I am wowed by your little garden that keeps on giving and giving. You have had a big week and what a thing for Lovana to move to Hawaii! You are being so brave, Mom!

    We are home from the lake and so tired. It is crazy how we can sleep so much there and do lots of nothing and then come home so tired. I just keep reminding myself that we do not have to catch up on everything in one day now that we are home.

  4. Wow, you are still getting some nice stuff from the garden. I picked a few tabasco peppers and kale. It is vert little right now. The kids all look like they are having a great time.

  5. What a wonderful adventure for Lovana. I’m sure she will have the time of her life but be sensible while doing so. Good job Mom on raising your chick and getting on to the next stage of life.

  6. I bet Lovana loves getting packages from home. I’m sure she will do great out on her own. All your food always looks yummy, as usual. Have you ever thought about pressure canning your pinto beans. That’s what I do, then I just pop open a jar, add some seasoning and heat & mash. Instant refried beans. A stick blender is great for this. That’s what I used until mine died, now just use a hand (potato) masher. I’m sure you could probably put your seasoning in when you canned it if you wanted to. I just don’t in case I want just plain pinto beans. (We eat “ southern” cookin’ Pinto beans & cornbread). Lol.
    I pressure can a variety of dried beans. I’m so forgetful about taking things out of the freezer. Any way you choose to do it saves time and money in the long run, and it’s tastes much better than eating out!! Have a great week! ….Vicky in Ky

  7. Congratulations to Lovana on the job opportunity – what great adventures she will have in Hawaii! That is awesome that Rob is already seeing more weight loss using tuna as his protein. I think I see what Patsy is working on – can’t wait to see the finished products though to see if I’m right in my guess of what those are!

    1. I am happy for Lovana that she can go do something adventurous when she is young! I’m really proud of her for being so brave.

      And, yes, I’m super proud of Rob, who is simply calorie counting his way to lower weight loss. The tuna is on the expensive side, but no more than a bag of chips or some ice cream, so I’m glad that he has found something that he really likes to eat! (And, I have to say, the home-canned is so much better than the little tin cans–there’s no comparison). He’s just eating regular, normal food, but less of it than before.

  8. Lovana has left for Hawaii! I know how hard it is to see them go but you must be so proud of her. Your spices will taste much better than anything she could buy. It was packaged with love.

    1. I talked to her again today. The coffee shop that is opening, where the new job was, has been delayed a little in opening. Now, it’s been pushed back to the 20th. So, she decided not to wait and went down and got herself another job at a hotel, (wait for it…..), making coffee! Today was her first day at that. She plans to do both, as coffee shop jobs are often part time and she has no idea what will come to pass here in the end. (Her last one wasn’t, and she actually ended up with overtime sometimes but she doesn’t know about there).

      The 3 girls are having fun, though, which I am glad to hear. Today, they were going down to the beach which is across the street from their apartment. She says she is swimming daily as there is a pool at their apartment as well. Her mattress arrived, and now she isn’t sleeping on the hardwood! Ahhhh, to be young again!

      I’ve got my 3rd package almost ready to go to her. Amazingly enough, they are getting there in a timely fashion. I want to send a few cookies, though, this time, so wanted to wait until after Veteran’s Day so they are fresher.

      P.s. Jake planted a pot full of seeds you sent him today. He is convinced a watermelon will be growing, but I tried to explain that those are for next spring:). We are going to put the pot in the greenhouse as soon as we can get through the door again–there are boards in front of it right now!

    1. Glad to see that you’ve surfaced, Debbie!

      Lovana went to Maui, and is the tourist town of Lahaina. She says it’s mostly hotels and tourists where she is, and the coffee is E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E, so she hopes the tips are as good!!! She’s starting to settle in a little, which is good.

  9. How wonderful to see that the garden is still producing for you! And to hear that Lovana is in Hawaii! Glad to hear that she has good roommates, was able to find another job while she is waiting for the other one to start, and is enjoying herself. 🙂

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