The fun continues around here! This week is focused on my immediate family, so on Tuesday, we took the 3 girls to the beach. The weather was extremely rainy, cold, and raw, so we didn’t go play in the sand, although Lovana had expressed an interest in doing that since it’s been a while since she has done that. Instead, we took them to the Outlet Mall, and let them shop to their heart’s content.
On Monday, my 2 older girls went to the mall with the older cousins–it was quite a trip with Rachel, Caitlyn, Lovana, Ja’Ana, Alissa and my oldest daughter, Abbie (who is a great sport and actually loved being asked to join with the other cousins–she loves the younger girls and loves shopping…) It sounds like they had a blast, although no one bought a whole lot but, instead, had fun being together. Since Caitlyn will be returning to college in a few days, and Rachel will be heading off for a 6-month adventure soon, I was happy they could spend the time together. Rob and I took Patsy to the YMCA to swim and I cleaned up a little from the Christmas mess. I’m still not done, but it was a good day.
The girls had all received some money for Christmas. One gift promised them a trip to the outlet mall in Lincoln City (on the Pacific Ocean). I got some, too. We walked around the small mall, hunting for bargains. Last year, we found incredible deals, like jeans for Ja’Ana for $1. There were no deals that good this year, but we did find some things we liked for a price we liked. I found 2 things I liked, a sweater for spring in a lavender color, and a sweater vest in patriotic colors. I think they will brighten up some other clothes I already own. I’m being very careful to not buy just for the sake of getting a good deal, since space is at a premium here. I will be doing some more shopping later, as many of my clothes are showing the wear and tear that comes with wearing them so often.
The big girls found things they liked, also, in their 2 days of shopping. Patsy dug out some long-hoarded birthday money and added it to her Christmas money and had a spending spree in her one-day extravaganza. She enjoyed getting to buy what she wanted at the mall (clothes and jewelry and headbands), and spending a large chunk of her gift card at McDonald’s for fries, soda and a McFlurry. Hmmmm. Well, it’s Christmas, right?
We also enjoyed going out to eat at Mo’s, a favorite restaurant of ours that is found up and down the coast here in Oregon. Throughout the day, the rain poured, with a ferocity that always amazes us, even though it is typical for this season at the beach. Thankfully, it came in showers, and we were able to dodge the worst of them. After a drive back home in the pounding rain, we were thankful to tuck ourselves away in front of our fire and enjoy the evening watching tv in our cozy living room, drinking tea and munching snacks we had been given for Christmas. It was a good family day, and we all enjoyed it.