Category Archives: Garden

Garden Update–July 6, 2017


I have so many green bean blooms coming on the bushes, it’s almost scary:)  I can see teeny, tiny beans forming, so I know I’ll be canning in a week or 2, and canning….and canning…..  I’m excited.  I like canning, and did not get to can last year.


I got 2 ripe Sungold tomatoes, and 3 small Glacier Ultra Early tomatoes, but that’s it.  There are no more that look like they are even remotely ripe, but there are lots of green ones forming.  I will still buy tomatoes for a while, but the day is coming when I’ll be eating and canning those as well.

I had zucchini in a stir-fry for dinner tonight.  I’ve picked a small one and a very misshapen/half rotten one, but was able to salvage the rest.  There are lots more little ones coming along there, too.


I’m getting a few raspberries and blueberries every few days. I have a few cups of raspberries frozen already. The Marion (black) Berries are starting to ripen.  There won’t be very many this year because we moved the entire patch last fall, but we will get a few.  I can pick wild blackberries this year.  Today, when we mowed the lawn, I took  the grass clippings and mulched the Marion Berries with them.  I’ve been able to keep them weeded out, and want them to have a good chance to get a foothold this year—-weed-free with plenty of moisture.


I left 1`bolted cabbage.  Then, I chopped off the bolting part to experiment with it.  It started forming some tiny little heads.   I’ll see if anything comes of them.  Thankfully, my sister told me she will have cabbage to share.  I did plant 6 little plants for a crop in the fall.  Hopefully.



We have harvested broccoli from each of the 5 plants that survived.  We’ve had it one time.  Lovana has eaten the rest.  The heads haven’t been super big.  Although it’s a lot of broccoli, it’s nice to see her eating veggies!  I still have side shoots coming along.  I’m not sure if I will try a fall crop of broccoli.  I will see how my time and energy holds out.


I’ve been able to weed quite a bit in the flowerbeds this week.  There are still lots of weeds to pull, but it’s nice to see some progress.




The nasturtiums have begun to bloom and I’ve cut many, many old, spent blooms off of the dahlias and roses.


Rob put some systemic rose food and black spot deterrent on the roses, and I can see a little bit of difference in them.  They still have a long ways to go, though.  I did mulch a couple of them with grass today, and have put ashes on them as well.


It’s been pretty hot, so we have watered a lot.  We are very thankful for the fact that there is a well here on our lot and the watering system is connected to it.  We have one of the greenest lawns on the block for that reason.  There is no way we would water so much, except for vegetables and a few flowers, if we had to pay for all that water.  It’s a real blessing.






What Do You Do With Bolting Boc Choi? Eat Lots of Boc Choi–FAST!


Boc Choi loves short days.  Once the days begin to lengthen, it bolts.  So, the season ends up being pretty short by the time I can get seeds planted in my wet, wet area, get the plants to grow to a size we can eat, and then eat like crazy before it starts to bolt.  I don’t tend to plant very long rows, for those reasons.  We do enjoy it, though, and it’s nice to have a crop that likes to grow in cooler, shorter, rain-filled days so I grow some every early spring and occasionally do a fall crop.

The first way we eat it is in stir fries.  I use whatever vegetables I have on hand and usually splash in some gluten-free soy sauce.   I start with the firmest veggies, such as onions and carrots, then add things like celery, boc choi stems, mushrooms, bean sprouts, etc., if I have them.  The last thing I do is add the sliced leaves from the boc choi and then remove from heat when they are just wilted.   If the leaves are too bug-eaten, I just use the stems and whatever I can salvage.

Another thing I like to do with boc choi is to put it in chicken or turkey soup.


Again, I chopped the stems up like celery and added them in when I made my soup.  I added the sliced leaves in at the last minute and just wilted them down.  There is not a strong flavor of  boc choi in there, but it adds a pleasant, mild flavor to the soup.

Another thing I made this week using boc choi was spaghetti sauce.  By today, I was completely out of celery, so I just chopped up some boc choi stems and sautéed them with a diced onion and some ground pork I needed to use.  I added Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.  Then I added 1 jar of purchased spaghetti sauce and 1 pint of home-canned tomato sauce.  I just let that simmer in the Crock Pot all day and we had it for supper.  Again, there was no strong boc choi flavor, but the sauce was very flavorful and delicious.  I feel that any time I’ve used it in something, it has taken on the flavor of the dish, and at the same time added flavor without being obnoxious or making anyone ask why it was there.  Mostly, they don’t even notice it at all, but thought the sauce tonight was really yummy.


It made a really good birthday dinner for Patsy, who turned 13 today.  I made salad from garden lettuce and a double chocolate loaf cake.  I hadn’t made that cake for many years, and never gluten free.  I only made one modification in the recipe I had used years ago, and Bob’s Red Mill One-To-One flour.  It turned out great.


Garden Update-June 6, 2017


I decided to focus on the flower garden today.  I have the first dahlia blooming.  These are bulbs that the previous owners planted, and there are 2 bushes that are looking vigorous and loaded with blooms.  I wasn’t sure they would make it through the extra-cold winter we had, but here they are!


My sister gave me some starts from her dahlias.  They are coming up well in several places.  I know some are red–and some are “surprise!”  I’m eagerly waiting to see which is which.


The wax begonias and impatients are starting to grow and bloom.


The later peonies are blooming.  The red ones are done.  I planted marigolds and petunias along the edge of the flowerbed.  I can see some Calla Lillies coming up as well, here and there.  In the back (on the far left) the little zinnia seeds have come up, and I should have a double row of bright zinnias once summer comes.


I got this “firecracker” geranium at a local nursery.  It’s very striking and showy and is blooming more and more already.


I also got these geraniums with the varigated leaves.  This area needs HELP, obviously.  It wasn’t getting enough water until Rob adjusted it, so the only thing that is growing well is the weeds!!  I don’t think the dirt is very good in this area, as well.


The basil is growing well. I even robbed 3 leaves off of it for a sandwich I made.  Yum!  I have a second batch growing in the garden, too.

The food garden is growing well, there just haven’t been many changes.  The delicata squash came up–5 of them.  Birds or squirrels took out 3 of them so far, and the other 2 are only 1/2 there.  So, I’ll go buy a plant.  Things are sprouting, growing, blooming, and setting fruit–Lots going on!  I have been eating lots of lettuce.  It is just beautiful and tasty right now.


The Sungold cherry tomatoes are setting little tomatoes.  I’m looking forward to those.  A few years ago, a teen boy we know got us hooked on those.  He would give Rob a little basketful frequently from his raised bed garden and Rob would eat a few then and there, and bring the rest home.  We knew we had to grow them.  They are so tasty.  Yum!

The people who lived here obviously loved flowers and gardening.  All spring, there has been a steady succession of perennials blooming–both bulbs and plants.  They especially loved iris I think, because there have been 4-5 different kinds, at least.  The latest one is the yellow ones that just bloomed.  They are really tall and matched Ja’Ana’s dance costume perfectly.   There are several rose bushes, but they need some fertilizer or something.  There is a lot of black spot on them, as well.  I’ve been trimming them up, and getting some blooms.  I’m really happy to have so many flowers blooming–it is very cheerful!  The berry bushes are doing well, also, and I will have strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries.


Garden Update–May 31, 2017–You Win Some, and You Lose Some


My cabbage decided to bolt before giving me any heads of cabbage!  I am very surprised, but it’s no wonder with the huge swings in temperature that we have had.  First, it’s been rainy and very cool.  We had lots of snow this winter, and a very cool, rainy spring.  Then, it hit the 90’s.  I guess that did the cabbage in and tricked it into thinking it was time to make seeds.  I hope the broccoli is not next……


The green beans came up great!  So did the purslane.  Thankfully, I’ve been able to easily hoe it out since the soil is so crumbly and nice.



Thousands, if not millions, of pigweeds came up to replace them.  So, today, I ran the hoe through it again.  Rob will till soon, but until then, I want to get the worst of it out of there before the weeds get big.


None of that matters.  I have a tiny little green tomato.  Really!  I was amazed and shocked when I came back from camping and there it was!

I have work to do, but there’s nothing new about that in a garden.  There is lettuce to pick, and snow peas forming.  The radishes are bolting, as is the boc choi.  I have a lot of weeds to hoe out and pull.  It’s shaping up to be a great garden!

Garden Update–May 2017



IMG_4504  Each time the weather has cleared up, I’ve planted a few things.  This week was gorgeous, and I was able to finish up almost everything that needs to be planted now.  I like to plant in succession, and have veggies all summer long and as far into the fall as possible.

I was delighted to see these green beans pop up.  I had been afraid that the birds had eaten them because there were quite a few sprouted seeds laying on the top of the ground.  Thankfully, I planted thickly, and there are plenty that made it.


These snow peas are about to bloom.  They were one of the first things I planted.  These are the ones that are supposed to produce in 30 days.  Well, they came up right before Easter.  That was about 5 weeks ago, so they are not going to produce in 30 days.  But, if you look closely, there is a bloom at the bottom of the picture, so it won’t be long.  It was really rainy and cold this spring.   I don’t know if that slowed them down, or what, but they are blooming before my standard favorite, Oregon Sugar Pod II, which I planted as well, on the same day, so I could compare the two.  I left the blooming green onions that I planted last fall so they could lean on them.  If the onions go to seed, that’s fine, too.


This lettuce is starting to come along.  I picked enough to add to a salad Sunday.  I’m not sure if you can see the carpet of weed seeds on the right hand side of the lettuce.  In some places, the ground is red because the weeds are so thick.  I’ve been hoeing them out while they are tiny, and have been making good progress.  Rob will also do some tilling before long.


I picked a little boc choi, and a few radishes.  I’ve also been using green onions, and was able to get a few good spinach leaves from the bolting spinich.  They were still good in the salad.  You can see that I have another bunch of tiny lettuce seedlings coming up in the background.  I love having lettuce all summer long, so I plant every 2-3 weeks.  I also plant thickly, and then cut small plants out of row, giving more room for the others to grow.


The Marion berries are blooming.  So are the strawberries and raspberries.


The cabbage and broccoli are doing well.  They are beautiful in the morning sun.


The chives are blooming beautifully behind the rhubarb.  I planted thyme, parsley, rosemary, orange mint and dill in front of the rhubarb.  I will probably move some chives forward eventually. I’m not sure why they planted them behind the huge rhubarb.    Maybe it wasn’t huge then:)

There is a small area left in the garden that has not been planted.  I plan to put in a second planting of green beans later.  I want them to come ripe in the middle of August, so should plant them around the middle of June.  I also have some squash seeds to plant, and I plan to plant them in a flowerbed by a dead tree stump.  I will let the vines cover it over, hide its ugliness, and get squash to boot.  I need to get those seeds planted ASAP!  Maybe tomorrow.  We will see.  This is the week of appointments.   I’ve got 2 dental appointments for 2 kids tomorrow, and that will take all afternoon.  We will do school all morning.  In addition, on various days, we have 3 doctors appointments for various ones, plus Ja’Ana has extra tap dance practice and her weekly house cleaning.  Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to plant a handful of seeds.  Thankfully.  Because timing matters when it comes to gardening.


Garden Plans 2017


I’ve finally been able to get outside a little bit.  I have a LOT to do, but it’s been too wet to do it.  Over the past week, the weather has cooperated enough for me to do some yard work.  I have a lot of plans for this new place.  As bulbs and plants begin to emerge from their winter hibernation, I’m getting a sense of which ones I want to keep and which ones have to go.

This is going to be my herb garden.  It is a flowerbed next to the vegetable garden.  I’ve already removed a huge lemon balm plant.  There is a small one in the back that will stay.  I don’t use much lemon balm.  I want thyme, rosemary, sage, dill, cilantro and basil. I planted the parsley plant for a start, and I can see that there is a chive plant in the background. There are many little chive starts coming up.  I will only keep a few, and will either put stepping stones throughout the area, or move the chives forward.  I use them a lot in cooking and want them accessible.  I will leave the rhubarb.  It looks healthy and established.  I also unearthed a cold frame and will plant some things in there once I get a bag of dirt poured in there.  I’m not sure what, yet.


Rob got part of the garden tilled.  There are still a lot of weeds, and he will be re-tilling the rest and finishing the parts he did not do over the next couple of weeks.  He double-tilled this area, so I could plant.  I planted Golden Acre cabbage and broccoli from starts I bought.  The broccoli is a spring mixture, which should stagger the harvest.  I planted Walla Walla onions from little plants (the bare-root bundle) and Benny red onions from a 6-pack.  I have not grown them before, but that’s what Wilco had.  Pasty planted most of them, which was very helpful.


I planted seeds for Detroit beets, Nantes carrots,  spinich, pale green Swiss chard, Boc Choi Chinese mustard, Mixed radishes, Oregon Sugar Pod II snow Peas, Little White Snow Peas (the 30 day kind, it promises, we shall see), several lettuces–Buttercrunch and a mixed variety.  I planted a small quantity of many cool-weather seeds and plants and will succession plant those which I want more of.  I will plant the warmer-crop veggies later in the spring.  It’s way too cold and wet for them to grow, yet.

The blackberries we moved last fall are leafing out well.   I need to make sure they don’t grow back by the fence where we removed them from.  The raspberries there were here need attention.  They need new posts and wire, and to be pruned.  There are about 100 new starts growing and I need to move some over, and remove some.   The ones we moved here with us are starting to put out little tiny leaves, which is a relief, because that variety is the kind I love–so tasty. The blueberries are going to leaf out soon.   I hope they bloom well.   I got the strawberry bed into good shape, and the new plants are starting to grow a little bit.


I’ve only just begun to clean out the flowerbeds.  There seem to be random groupings of bulbs coming up in the middle, sides, edges, etc. of the flowerbeds.  Sometimes, there is a tall group coming up in front of a shorter one in the back.  I need to get rid of some and move some, once I figure out what I have.

We planted some dahlia starts from my sister in several places.  The daffodils Patsy planted last fall are getting established and will bloom better next year.  She planted each little bulb far away from each other little bulb and only a few had the strength to bloom this year.  Next year, it should be awesome.  We moved some other daffodils from the flowerbeds into that bed, and I showed her how to plant in groups, with a few bulbs in a cluster or area.  There are a few tulips that are lovely right now.


I emptied out some pots I brought from our old place and planted the primroses and pansies down into the edge of the flowerbeds in the back.  I had the girls plant some herb seeds in those pots and put them by the back deck.  If I get a lot that come up, I will transplant some of them into the herb bed and keep some in the pots for easy access from the kitchen.

I hope to do either wax begonias, or impatients along the edge of the front flowerbed in the front, plant zinnias along the house in front, and nasturtiums in the planter box by the front door.  Rob plans to put moss-killer on the grass, and keep mowing it.

During the night, the weather had the grace to drop a gentle rain onto all I planted yesterday.  Lovely.  I love spring.

Planting Strawberries


Last Friday, my strawberry plants arrived from Territorial.  They had promised to ship them “when the time was right.”  I guess it was time by the calendar, but, it has been so wet that I was worried that I would not get them in the ground before they suffered.  We had high hopes that Rob would be able to get the topsoil on Saturday and I would be able to clear the area.  We woke to a deluge!  All of our plans had to be postponed.


This is where I wanted to plant them.  The previous owner had some strawberries planted in there, but the bed was quite overgrown with grass and weeds.  I had no idea how old the berries were, and they usually only last about 3 years before needing to be re-done.  I chose Seascape this time because my mom had given me some gorgeous Seascape plants that were just starting to fruit beautifully when we moved.  The few I tasted were delicious, so I wanted more:)  I’ve had good luck with Tri-star and Quinalt in the past.  I did notice that Quinalt did not make very many runners, though.  They did produce well, as did Tri-star.

After an extremely rainy Saturday, Sunday dawned clear and gorgeous.   I had slightly over 1 hour of free time during the middle of the afternoon.  It was still very wet and soggy, but I tackled the job anyway because, well, there was that package of strawberry plants sitting on the counter.  I dug up the sod and weeds,  separated and moved some of the old plants, sprinkled coffee grounds from McDonald’s on the entire bed and finally, in desperation, stuffed the bunch of strawberry roots into a flowerpot with some potting soil until I could get back to the job.

One day after work, Rob grabbed 4 bags of topsoil from Walmart for around $2 per bag.   He poured the dirt on the bed. I had removed a lot of dirt along with the grass, and the bed had sunk over time.  I slipped out this morning while the girls were typing up their language arts assignment and planted the plants properly.  I have all the new ones down on the far end, and the old ones on the other end.  If the old ones don’t produce, look diseased, die, etc. I plan to ruthlessly pull them and throw them away.  I then hope to fill in the blanks with runners from the new plants.  I had also planned to add some bone meal as well, but the store was out so I will have to stir it in later.


Then, it rained and watered them in.  I’m one happy camper.  It took almost a week, but they are planted!  The new ones don’t look like much, but they will take off now that they are in the dirt.  I can look forward to strawberries all summer and fall once they get going. The first year, a new bed produces lightly.  With everbearing strawberries,  I usually get a fairly good crop by the end of the summer and into the fall, but much more berries the second year.   The bed should be good for 3 years, then I will move it and renew it.  In the past, I have started a new bed the 3rd year so I always have lots of berries.


I am very pleased to have begun the transformation of my new yard.  I have many more plans in mind.


How to Tie Up Blackberries


When we moved into this new house, we were delighted to find berry bushes growing in the garden.  They are a blackberry of some sort, probably Marion berries, according to the old owner’s daughter.  They were growing up against the fence, and clearly had not been trimmed for a while.  Since there were quite a few chopped off pieces on the ground on the neighbor’s side of the fence, we concluded that he probably did not care to have them growing through to his side.  Also, we could not access the back side of the berries.  So, we decided to move them a couple of feet out away from the fence.


We started by digging up clumps of new, fresh vines.  They were a nice bright green color, and we left the old, gray-brown ones to be taken away.  We tried to make sure there was a nice clump of roots on each one we kept, and some even had a new bud growing.  Rob, Lovana and myself all had plenty of turns digging.  Once a good start was dug up, we planted it in the dirt and laid the vines out away from where we were working.  What we did not want or need, we put in the yard debris can.  We anticipate that the roots of the old vines will send out new shoots and we will need to kill them, but it sure looks great now.


A week or two passed, with plenty of rain to keep them alive.  Rob went up to my sister’s farm and grabbed a few fence posts we had stored there, and got some wire.  Today was nice and he pounded those fence posts into the ground and strung the wire between the posts.  He put several posts in the row, about 5 feet apart, and strung a low wire and a higher one.


Then Patsy and I tied them up with baling twine.  We tied each group of berries up to the lower and higher wire, and whenever the vines were long, tied them into a circle, using the wires to support them.  Next spring, they will fill out and make a nice barrier between us and the neighbor, be where we want them, and easy to pick.img_3455

It looks amazing!  As we were doing that, Rob was over on the left pounding in a few more posts for some raspberry plants I dug up at my old house.  My aunt kindly kept them all summer under her automatic sprinklers.  I got 6 good root “clumps” from my pot.


He strung wires for them, too, and I planted them.  They are really small after a summer crammed into a pot, but we will see how they do.  I have high hopes.

We both felt really good about getting these jobs done.   I don’t think I’ll harvest much next summer, but in a couple of years………YUM!  (The berries in the background are a project for another day–they are everbearing raspberries that were here–I need to trim and tie them up, and Rob needs to put in a better wire and maybe some more posts.  They don’t have as much flavor as my old berries, so I am super happy some of mine survived.)  It was great to get a nice day on a day we did not need to work.



Garden Update–Aug. 6, 2016


One of the strawflowers Patsy planted from the 25c seed packet from the dollar store.  A bargain for something so lovely, in my opinion.


The one Tromboncini Zucchini plant that came up is producing.  Not bad for old seed!


The garden is just bursting with color and produce.  Almost every day, I am privileged to spend a little time out there, either weeding or picking produce.  Ja’Ana has been weeding like crazy, as she desires to go to to quite a few youth events–Win-Win!  Rob did some tilling, too.  Already, you can see a large patch in the picture above where we have harvested all of the green beans that were there, and re-planted a few fall crops.  I seeded in lettuce, spinach, cilantro, basil, boc choi, Swiss chard, snow peas, and Patsy planted a LOT of radishes.  We don’t use many radishes, but she wanted to plant them badly, and we have the room, so…….Some of our seed is very old, and I am using things up, so we planted thickly and will thin if anything comes up.  If they don’t….well I can live without radishes and I’m sure some will emerge.


One of my favorite things is the fact that the tomatoes are really starting to ripen now.  We have been eating them like crazy.  There’s just nothing like a home-grown tomato:)


While cleaning out the seed box, I found several sunflower packets from years gone by.  We planted them all, and these are the Mammoth Sunflowers.  That seems to be what most of them turned out to be, and for sure, are the ones that are growing excellently.  They’ve just started to bloom.


We’ve been getting peppers, cucumbers, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, and more.  As you can see, the corn is tasseling, but we have not gotten any of that yet.  So, there is still much promise left in our garden and much good eating still to come!



Garden Update


I came back from a few days at Champoeg State Park and found numerous goodies had ripened up in the garden!  I’m especially excited about the green beans and the little yellow cherry tomatoes.  Those are the first I have been able to pick, although my sister got started on them earlier in the week while I was gone.

I made green beans and garlic tonight for dinner, along with coleslaw from part of the cabbage.  I think I will make some fish tacos with some more of it, and make a grill basket with the round zucchini.  There are also some onions you cannot see, as well as some snow peas.   I will add some of them to the grill basket as well.


Patsy’s flowers are blooming!  They are lovely and will just get brighter and more beautiful as time passes.  The squash on the left is delicata and has several forming.  On the right in the back in a tronboncini squash, a kind of zucchini that grows to look like a musical instrument–I hope we get one.  It isn’t even blooming yet.  There is an acorn squash bush as well as mixed summer squash on the right.  We were using up seeds, so have a little of several things.  In the far center is regular, plain, green zucchini.

I have been succession planting things.  We are on our 3rd planting of lettuce, at least, with a couple more plantings coming up and growing nicely.  I have a new planting of spinach up nicely, too.  This week, I’d like to plant more lettuce, green onions and snow peas. Last summer I did not have to buy lettuce, except 1 or 2 times, and I’d like to repeat that.  None of the rows are long.  I just want fresh things to eat so they are not bitter from heat.  It’s turning out to be a great garden and is easily feeding my family, my sister’s family, and quite a few other friends and relatives.  It’s also working out very well to have more than one person working on the weeds and planting!  Sharing a garden is really a blessing for both my sister and I.  I’m glad.