I was able to pick enough flowers from the yard for a bouquet today. Even better, I was able to clean off the table so there was a nice place to put it! I’m slowly chipping away at the mess left over from both the backpack trip and the camping trip.
Today, the nieces and my aunt joined us for Family Sunday Dinner. I made lasagna, and used up some cottage cheese, ricotta, parmesan, and some frozen pasta sauce. These were all items that had been lingering in the fridge and freezer, so it felt good to use them up. I made an extra lasagna to freeze, and a tiny one to freeze in the camper. I also made salad from garden lettuce and some Brazilian Bite rolls I bought a while back.
Yesterday, I defrosted the camper freezer and wiped both it and the fridge out. Now, I’m starting to restock both for the next trip, using fresher items. I’ve put the older things in the house freezer to use up in the near future.

We had a very nice and frugal week at Ft. Stevens State Park. We kept things extremely simple. One thing Jake has wanted to do since last summer was to ride the big “Beast” army truck at the historic area. So, one day, we went over there and did that, as well as let him crawl all over the batteries and play with the replica guns/cannons. We had to pay for the ride, but it was less since Rob did not care to ride. The museum was free, and the kids enjoyed seeing that yet again.

One morning, Rob took only Patsy out fishing, and she was successful! Another day, I took just her around the tiny outlet mall near the campground, and got her 2 shirts and a sweatshirt at a sweatshirt shop. I am still working on her wardrobe, and slowly acquiring items for her as I find them on a good sale. I also wanted to pay some extra attention to her, and that was a good way, since it’s a project I’ve been working on. She wore the shorts I fixed for her, and I will keep looking at yard sales and at store sales to keep stretching that small amount of money I have set aside for this purpose.

We caught a few fish. You should have seen the one that got away! I lost a big one. Much, much, much bigger than this one, I’m sure. Too bad I couldn’t measure it, but I’m sure it was practically a whale:)

They were nice size and we ate them over the course of the week.

It wasn’t Jake’s turn to catch one. Still, he went fishing several times, and I spent quite a bit of time working with him on his casting skills. He hooked other people’s lines. I moved him to a less populated area. He hooked mine. He moved right back to where the people were. He hooked uncle’s chair. I moved him again. He wrapped his line around his pole numerous times. He cast so hard he flipped the end of his pole right off and into the water. After I freaked out, thinking we lost it forever, several calm male voices from the surrounding fishermen just said, “keep reeling, it will come.” And, it did. I guess all those fishermen in the area had seen this before:). He moved back over near all the people. And on, and on it went. Finally, one day, the dock came available, and we moved out there. Even though he didn’t catch one, he spent quite a bit of time bragging to everyone about his “huge” one he caught at Detroit recently, and seemed happy.

The kids fed the seagulls every stale cracker we could round up, and probably some that weren’t so stale.

Fire poking was an on-going activity. Occasionally hot dogs or marshmallows were roasted as well.

We saw quite a few elk wandering around the area. One day, we even saw them in the tiny town near the park.

The kids and I took a lot of hikes. One day, Jake and I got on a wrong trail and though we thought we were going .4 miles, we actually went 1-1/2 miles. He was a little grumpy, but made it. With a couple of other little hikes we took that day, we ended up hiking a total of 3 miles. Other times, Patsy went as well. Rob’s having a lot of trouble with his hip, so he did not hike at all but he was always willing to drive us out to a trail and drop us off so we could hike back to camp for exercise.

Every night, glow sticks came out, and were enjoyed. One night, I got up in the middle of the night, and saw that Jake had them around his ankles, wrists, and neck, making a nice glow in the night:). So cute! Most of these were from the dollar store, or from the after-Halloween clearance rack at Safeway, so were quite inexpensive.

The rose garden at the museum was lovely. Patsy took about 14 pictures of roses, each more beautiful than the last.

Once I got home, I got right to work on the berries. There were lots of raspberries to pick, and I popped all these berries right into the freezer to save for winter. I froze them on the tray I picked them on, and will transfer them to cartons or baggies once they freeze. I was able to package up 4 pints from the ones I put in there before I left. Those were the first of the blueberries and blackberries, and I got a quart and a pint from each. They are also in the freezer. The few strawberries I picked are in the fridge. I ran out of time. We may just eat them, there aren’t many.

There was a little rain. Rob was able to capture a raindrop falling into a little puddle.
The week was extremely fun and very frugal, and we worked hard to keep it that way. I guess it’s a matter of what we did not do that added up as well. We did not go to the movies or ride rides in nearby Seaside, or any of the other attractions that were available. We did not eat out, except once and that was with money we had saved in a can for this purpose. That can paid for the truck ride at the museum, as well. There is $14 left for the next time. We did not buy excess groceries, but instead used many items up from the camper stockpile and freezer. I cooked a lot more than normal, because I didn’t pre-cook food, but it worked out well. We did not drive around a lot, and when we did, we went short distances. We brought wood from home to burn and did not buy any. Because we have a park pass, we camped for free, so we only paid the $6 registration fee. We took lots of naps and hikes and did simple things for entertainment. There is so much more to do that we didn’t get done, such as clamming (tide was low at 5 a.m.–too early for our crew), more hikes to take, digging in the sand (too cloudy and rainy the day we wanted to do that), and much more.
Jake’s already asking to go again:). I love going, but also love the fact that this week I have plans to get a lot of things done here at my house. He’s going on vacation with his parents, so I have high hopes that I will get some of “those” projects done while he and Michaela are away!
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